EAGLEGGO Replacement moduler icemaker IM943 Whirlpool Kenmore Kitchenmaid 4317943 61005508. See pictures for details. Replacement moduler icemaker part number IM943. Includes: a Cord that has a round 4 pin connection and measures 7.25" long a Cord that has a flat rectangle 4 pin connection and measures 10.5" long a Shutoff Bail Arm One Level Plate (Plastic) 2 Mounting Clips Instructions The cord plugs into the head of the icemaker then into the refrigerator. Both cords are fuse protected. In some cases you may have to use your old cord. The cord removes from the icemaker by pushing on the spring clip and pulling it out from the socket. It has a ice thickness control by turning a plastic screw on the side of the head. This icemaker is designed for replacement only and does not include icemaker valve or bucket.